galahad (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Angry With Bethesda |
Please bear with me as a rant is about to begin.
I am really starting to get upset with Bethesda over their handling of the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim and the lack of release on Ps3.
Not only are they giving us little to no information about future DLC additions aside from Dawnguard, but they keep giving us a runaround in the media making excuses and promising "maybe" in essence they will fix it and release it.
Hey, I can understand they are a busy company, but they should have skilled programmers who shouldn't be overwhelmed by the task. I mean it isn't like they don't have something to work off of. It would be less of a disappointment and annoyance if they didn't release it for everything else.
Perhaps the Ps3 copy is glitchy, but they could have made a several new DLC packs by now in the time being. I would be happy if it isn't a perfect copy of the other releases. Armchair amateurs with no experience in programming could have done the work by now using the toolkit that the original programmers created.
Further, I see no reason why parts that should be made to work easily such as the Werewolf Perk tree and the Dragonbone weapon system could not be parcelled out before the release in much the same way as the mounted combat was released in the last patch. Then release the complete DLC at a reduced price.
My guess is that what is probably the most glitched is the Vampire Lord. Personally though I am not very enamored with the 3rd person view and the limitations it brings however seemingly cool and Underworldish the character plays and appears. I would gladly forsake the mist form, bats, flying, etc. to have a first person vampire who can wear weapons and armor. They could easily tweek the current vampire version to use a modified version of their Vampire Lord perk tree and perhaps allow unarmed characters to use a claw attack similar to the khajit and perhaps have a useable bite attack in combat. It would be nice to have the option to select betwen the two forms without feeling forced to play the third person Vampire Lord if you want to play Dawnguard.
I do think they should find a way to reward those of us who are being so patient, either with content or another form to show they appreciate us and do not take players for granted. The whole issue is beginning to change my excitement concerning future DLCs to worry that they really don't care and are developing a bottom line sales approach.
Rant over